Tuesday, August 31, 2010

cant help it.....

So I think that this is turning into a music blog instead of skateboarding... I LOVE these guys, in their prime right here, always gets me real hyped to go skate.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

20 years of schoolin and they put ya on the day shift...

Bob Dylan as a young man

A very influential artist to me for a long time now, I suggest giving "Highway 61 Revisited" a listen...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

it's been awhile...........

I don't really do well with keeping up on stuff... maybe that's why all my pets died as a kid..... anyways I wanted to tell the like three people that actually read this thing that I really like this band, and chocolate,.... and baked goods..... CHOCOLATE BAKED GOODS!!! Anyways I will probably make another post in a few months or so.... Sorry